An Incredible Way To Put Cold, Hard CASH in your pocket by selling us your old gold, diamonds or other precious metals!
Actually it is our secret competitive weapon. We have a voracious appetite for your old gold because we build many of our jewelry items. You’ll also discover that we can use many of your old items in the repair work of others jewelry. The Gold Mine really is going green!!! We are a local leader in the recycling of precious metals. We need gold to melt, refine, and cast into new creations. This process saves us a bundle and we can pass this savings back to you, our new jewelry customer.
We also buy diamonds of 1/3 carat size or bigger, gold coins, platinum, sterling silver, antique wrist & pocket watches, nicer quality antique jewelry and all forms of gold, broken or not.
With precious metal prices currently at a 25 year high, now is the time to cash in on all of that broken jewelry, gold coins or whatever form it may be in. We have bought as much as $15,000 worth of old gold, diamonds and other precious metals from local clients in one week putting cold, hard cash in their pockets using their old or unwanted jewelry items.
If you have some old gold, diamonds, etc. laying around…stop by our store today for a FREE evaluation. Beware of “fly by night” businesses which make “vague” promises of putting big money in your pocket only to lure you in for a big disappointment. Come to the folks who are experts in this field and have been doing this for many years! You may be surprised to learn how much money you are sitting on!